Thursday 11 February 2016

Introduction and motivation

Hi, this is the intro blog for my little contribution to cyber knowledge! It seemed quite a good time to start something like this, we have a CyTOF being installed next week and I'm really excited about what this can contribute to researchers in and around Manchester.

A little background maybe. I'm a Senior Experimental Officer in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester and I run a technology facility that provides flow cytometry resources to researchers in the University. We have a number of systems both within the facility and an overlapping Single Cell Facility. Not to bore people with the details we have 5 flow cytometry analysers, 2 awesome cell sorters, an imaging cytometer and, soon, a super duper mega CyTOF (we have the recent upgrade to the CyTOF 2 named the Helios - I have to get used to calling it that!)

So if this seems like the sort of thing that grabs your attention, please follow me or drop me a line on twitter (@ghowell2812) so that i know you're out there!